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Differences and Correspondences

Our field trip had a highly promising start. We enjoyed a lot of free “Bretzen” during a pleasant breakfast and then continued with a two-minute jaunt to the Reitbahn where we went to the art house Ansbach to see a mesmerizing exhibition called „Amplitude of Difference“. This bi-national show presents sundry Franconian artists and Chinese ones, all the latter being from the region of Yunnan. But we didn’t only enjoy these exhibits at our own discretion. Instead we were given tasks by our teacher Dr Streit, to be fulfilled in teams of two and of course in English, with the results presented to the class in English afterwards. Thus we spotted the two artworks most appealing to us, described them, compared them with each other, and selected corresponding pieces.


Immediately upon entering the gallery some of us were already intrigued by the first few exhibits and this fascination continued throughout the show. The art exhibition contains lots of different motifs and every single piece gives the visitors the chance to interpret it in their individual ways. While looking at every artwork we noticed lots of similarities and connections, even though the artists are from two completely different countries and cultural backgrounds. We found it remarkable to discover lots of landscapes and that, despite this fact, the artists present such contrastive approaches and individual views. All in all we had lots of fun, learnt so many new things about German and Chinese contemporary art and really enjoyed our visit and the time spent!

Lara Brunner (F13Sb)













                                         Class FB13Sb with their class teacher Dr Wolfgang Streit in front of the art house at the Reitbahn.                  













The class at work in the exhibition „Amplitude of Difference“.
In the background: Henrike Franz, Cities and Green 1 / 2 (2016) and Bian Xiaoqia, Buddhistische Stimme des Tempels 1 (2017).













Nikolai Jagoid, Altes Café (2014).













left: Zhang Yan, Nacht (2016)                                                                                              background right: Wu Jun, Am Hang (2012) and Michaela Schwarzmann; Zwiebelmuster (2018)













Katja Gehrung, Die Einsamkeit der Hausfrau beim Fenster (2017)                                                                                                             In the background: Claudia Wirth, At Work 1 (2014)

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